Monday, June 4, 2007

Swamp Water

I came to my favorite spot at the swamp tonight. Earlier, a friend had asked me to pray for her, and since I didn't have plans for my night out, I sensed that the swamp was my destiny.

As I approached, there were a couple people near my new spot on the west side, and three cars parked on the south side. I got to my favorite spot on the southeast corner, and it was vacant. :) I knew I had to walk down the trail...God had something to speak to me there. It was wet and muddy at first (a good deterrent to others for my alone time...although I was open to however God wanted to speak).

I was drawn to one place in particular. I stood on the higher ground overlooking the beauty of the sun setting over the water...the resolute breeze blowing toward me. I was compelled to draw nearer to the water, stepping down the slope to meet the water at the shore.

The higher ground, however, is more comfortable and provides a better view. It occurred to me that the wind, channeled by the Spirit, will push the water toward me, but just as Jesus stepped down from His higher ground and into our world to be incarnate, I needed to step down from my higher ground to the water.

Some of the trees nearby were actually in the water. My thoughts articulated, "I have to approach the water to reach it...and sometimes I have to take the uncomfortable step of walking out into the swamp water to rescue those who are dying in it." Something shiny at the edge of the water captured my attention...then I noticed the single dead fish floating....

Just then my spirit heard a voice saying, "Look up." I looked up to see a beautiful evening sky...but more than the sky...a destiny that overwhelmed my heart with longing...a longing that would certainly, one day, be fulfilled. But resting in that "one day," I was called to look back approach the bring life to what exists in the water. It's right in front of me...the Spirit is blowing it my way.

Mark 1:14-17 "...Jesus preach God's Good News. ...'Turn from your sins and believe this Good News!' One day as Jesus was walking along the shores..., he saw Simon and his brother, Andrew, fishing with a net.... Jesus called out to them, 'Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!'"

Question: What is the water in my life (that is right in front of me...that the Spirit is blowing my way) ...the shore that I can approach and walk along...calling disciples and fishing for people?


Anonymous said...

What a deep message!

God is so wonderful like that.

You must take a step towards the water...

kelly h said...

Thanks for the encouragement.