I have had various positions of leadership throughout the years. Some of those 'positions' don't always make us think of the actual term 'leadership' (such as parenting, sharing with others what God has taught us, providing direction, etc. -- these are also significant forms of leadership). Last night, as I was anticipating beginning a new leadership position as a small group leader, I thought about what I desire to mark me as a leader (in this new position as well as in the less 'obvious' leadership positions I have). And in those thoughts I prayed,
"Lord, may I have the strength, courage and humility to get lower than those I'm leading. May I get beneath them to lift them up and push them ahead. May I remain free of the expectation that they should be serving me or that I deserve their service. May I be filled by God himself so that I can come and be a servant leader."
I thought about Barnabas, Paul's mentor, who pushed Paul ahead to where he became much better known than Barnabas himself. And Jesus, how he set the example in serving as he washed the feet of his disciples.
I don't want to live out the typical American leadership mindset that would require the followers to wash the leader's feet. Jesus himself said, "the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20.28 and Mark 10.45).
In these thoughts, I'm asking myself some questions:
1. In what ways do your leaders display this kind of humility? (It is my prayer that those I'm leading could answer this easily.)
2. In what practical ways can I demonstrate this kind of humility toward those I'm leading?
May we carry the same leadership markings as Jesus.
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