Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Quenched Thirst

Thoughts from today...many derived from pondering the beginning pages of  "The Satisfied Heart" by Ruth Myers:

God CAN quench my thirst with His love.  Ps. 90.14 "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."

The way to loving God more deeply is through understanding His love for me more deeply. ("We love because He first loved us." - 1 Jn. 4.19)

I resist emptiness. I look for ways to fill it believing it is not welcome and has no place in my life. Our emptiness, however, allows a space for God to fill. He can't fill something that is already full.

A poem by an unknown author:
"Purge me, Lord, of my follies; an empty cup let me be,
Waiting only Thy blessing, hungry only for Thee.
Can even the Lord pour blessing into a cup that is full?
Put treasure into a locked hand, be He ever so bountiful?
Empty me, Lord, and make me hungry only for Thee.
Only Thy bread once tasted can ever satisfy me."

Going to God with my emptiness has often felt like a last-resort solution to me. I think it feels that way because I don't understand the height, width, depth and length of His great love for me. He longs for me even more intensely than anything I long for (and I have some pretty strong longings).  He desires me, but His desires are patient and kind and never forceful or demanding:
"Arise, come, my darling;
    my beautiful one, come with me.”
show me your face,
    let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet,
    and your face is lovely."

He wants me to desire Him above all else, and in that, as my first love, He will be able to satisfy me.

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