Let me share with you just a few short excerpts:
"This workbook is intended to be a catalyst for healing for those who have found themselves struggling with conflict issues. This isn't intended to be as much about 'how to' resolve conflict (stay with me here) as it is exploring God's sovereignty over conflict, the pain involved in it, and the good that God is able to bring from it...."
"Our own woundedness deeply ties into how we handle conflict, how we resolve it, how we respond to it. From many of our perspectives, conflict equals rejection. We interpret a message that says conflict is not love. ...Before we can successfully approach and work through conflict, we need to be able to delete the equation. Unless we delete the equation, those old wounds and messages will trigger stronger, inaccurate reactions. Deleting the equation requires replacing lies with truth...." (20-21).
"As long as we have woundedness, we will have a tendency to hurt each other. And when we hurt each other, there's a battle. We must not get so wrapped up in the battle that we miss the love story of which we are a part" (111)."God is continuing to speak to me about grace and helping me to understand his grace toward me on a much deeper level. I had put on my Comfort CD by Kathy Troccoli which began with the song, That's how much I love you. The words begin:
I died for you
I'd do it all again if I had to
To show you what you really mean to Me
...I recognized my own attitudes and behaviors toward God...the times (whether long ago or recently) when I've been angry and hurtful, selfish, demanding, accusing, etc., and in it all I've deeply hurt the One who wanted to be closest to me. But what really astounds me is God's response to me. Notice the words in the song above again. In the midst of all the ways I inflict pain on others, he chooses to lay down his own life, to give up his own justice and happiness, so that I can know grace, freedom, and my own deep value" (117).
I'm excited about the resolution God will bring about in many lives through this tool. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
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