Monday, October 8, 2007

LifeCare small group kick-off

God has led me in an amazing way this year to be involved with a new parachurch organization called LifeCare ( that exists to see people freed from their various forms of bondage and experiencing the abundant life that God intended for them. I wish I had the time to share all the details of God's orchestration in bringing me to LifeCare, as well as all the transformation he's brought about in my life...particularly over the last six years (I am SO totally different than I was six years ago...or even a year ago for that matter). He amazes me!! I could write volumes about it (in fact, so far I have 3 books accounting for glimpses of it...check those out at

God is in the business of transforming lives, and His goal is His own likeness. His intent is good; His desire is for beauty and strength.

The small group that I started this past week is called Healing Tears, based on my book by the same name, and deals with the issue of emotional discontent and discouragement. I have a wonderful group of women that I have the privilege of walking beside and watching as God beautifully transforms their lives. I am so excited about all that He's going to do in the next ten weeks!

I have been on my knees in prayer for these women and for this ministry. I know that we are reliant on Him to see great things happen; to see bondage broken; and to see abundant life obtained and wildly lived out. Please pray with me that God will continue to amaze us with His powerful work at LifeCare.

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