Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The tension between heaven and earth

It seems like there's constant tension in my life. One area of tension is with raising my kids...trying to train them in the way they should go when their flesh doesn't want to go there.

Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

In this world I will long for what completely fills me. And when I find Him, and when I really understand that He is my only sufficiency, I will want Him more than anything...and I will realize I need Him more than anything. With that realization, it will be more difficult to engage in the world. But He has us still in the world for a PURPOSE that includes involvement in the lives of those around us. We will live in this world with a constant tension between our very real need to constantly be with Him and our purpose of being in the world and pouring out ourselves for others in the world.

This idea was highlighted yesterday morning through my visit to the swamp. My swamp lesson came like this:

While still at home, I wrote out a list of things I needed to talk to God about...things I needed complete alone time for...even being alone at my house wasn't enough (there are distractions). I needed the ALWAYS quiet, no-one-ever-around place where I hear God most vividly and connect with Him in undistracted devotion. I needed the swamp. So to the swamp I ventured.

I have a favorite spot at the swamp...the southeast corner where I can park, and if I want, I can get out and walk north, with water on both sides of me, to several locations overlooking the water...there are many options.

The time before last that I was there, I was surprised when someone pulled into "my" spot just ahead of go fishing. Disappointed, I scoped out a new spot and ended up connecting with God in a way that seemed to make this new location the perfect spot for the day. Then on my last visit, I decided to return to that new location where God spoke clearly, again, to some specific issues in my life.

Yesterday, however, I was longing for my favorite spot...anticipating it. I arrived only to see a man fishing at my favorite spot...certainly not conducive to my ALONE time to bask in God's presence and hear His voice...or so I thought.

Disappointed again, I kept driving...scoping out more potential locations. I stopped at two on the south side...neither of which was "right." They just felt completely wrong. So I drove to the west side and pulled into the location from the last two visits. Still, it just wasn't right. I noticed a potential spot at the southwest corner, but I was too distracted there...partially by an unusual amount of trash, no place to sit, etc.

I decided to go back to my favorite spot and see if the fisherman had left yet. He was still there. I decided I would still go there and walk back beyond his fishing spot where I was relatively sure there was complete solitude.

As soon as I parked and turned off my van, another car pulled in right behind me. I watched as a woman got out with her fishing pole (!) and walked down the trail and out of sight. Just then another car pulled in behind her and then drove around her and parked just out of my sight. I was stunned at the "traffic," but I was quickly beginning to hear the swamp message for the day. Accepting my circumstances, I started writing.

"In this world, there will always be tension between caring for our time WITH God and caring for our time FOR God."

As much time as I get with Him, it never seems to be enough...and it's not enough, because this isn't the world we were created for. But the time we get...the time He allows, will suffice until we enter the world we WERE created for.

As I wrote, several runners ran by, and one man, "just looking around," walked by my open window and started chatting with me briefly. Several minutes later, the first two people left and then a man and his son came with their fishing poles. I realized I need to be open to disruptive opportunities (the trouble in the world) so that I can reflect what Jesus has overcome.

If I'm right with Him, my time with Him probably won't feel like enough, but it will suffice until I enter a new world with Him.

So yesterday morning was a totally unusual and public swamp I pursued ALONE time with Him. God is certainly not predictable.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


As soon as I parked, I recognized how still the water was at the swamp...barely moving at all. What grabbed my attention most was the reflection in the water...the brilliant and nearly unflawed reflection of the many hues of green from the trees with the clarity of the branches, and the blue sky.

Aside from the dust that was settled on the surface of the water...on the surface of the reflection, the reflection was almost like the real thing.

Lately I've been struggling with some anxiety and stress, knowing that it is not at all good for me! It occurred to me, with the water's reflection, that I reflect God best when I'm still. I may be spending time with Him, which is crucial to reflecting Him, but if I'm filled with anxiety and stress and fear, I won't reflect Him. Instead, I'll appear like the water on a windy day, and others will only see waves of turmoil and discord.

He reminds me to 'come to Him' and leave my burdens with Him. Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." When I go to Him, I need to leave my stuff with Him, trusting that He can take care of my stuff. Only then can I be still and reflect Him well.