Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Opposition or Acceptance

I've been opposed at times in an attempt to be changed. I've also opposed others in an attempt to change them. I've found that it doesn't work. The times I've been most aware of my need to change and been the most humbled and ready for change are the times that I've been unconditionally accepted and known that I was loved deeply.

The Bible says that "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." I heard that verse used as justification for opposing me when someone has seen something in me that they don't think is right. In those times, the opposition has been harsh and I dig my heals in and tend to fight back.

It's interesting that I don't see God opposing me in those times. I think what that verse means is that there are some with hearts that are hardened in arrogance to seek their own way. There are others who have been so hurt that they build a wall of protection around their heart. The appearance can look very similar, but God is able to discern the difference and approach the arrogance with opposition and the wall with tender compassion that allows that person to lower the wall and humbly receive the tender, accepting, compassion.

My natural tendency, when I feel negatively impacted by someone, is to oppose them. Yet, I know that it's acceptance that draws me to see what's lacking in myself. When I'm loved really well, I see how much I fall short in loving well, and it humbles me and melts my heart. As Kari Jobe sings, "This love is so deep; it's more than I can stand. I melt in Your peace; it's overwhelming."*

*from the song, "The More I Seek You"

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