Sunday, July 29, 2007

Follow the leader

I'm reading a great book right now, The Disciple Making Church, by Glenn McDonald, senior pastor of Zionsville Presbyterian Church in Indiana. It's leading me to ask some really good questions of myself that I haven't explored in quite awhile. I've summarized my thoughts/questions here....

To whom are you looking to lead you? Who is your mentor?
To whom do you look to be your example(s) in life...maybe your hero?

Be assured, you will become like this person / these people.

I have mentors who know me, and then I have other examples that I seek to follow... such as many positive biblical examples, Beth Moore, Kathy Troccoli, etc. I am careful about what I allow into my mind. But not everyone is. We need to consider what people we are looking to as examples, what books we read that influence our thoughts, and what music we listen will ALL influence us.

We live in such a loud world, that even when we are careful about our influences, we will still have to battle the negative influences as well as the sinfulness of our flesh.

Recently, my 3 kids were arguing. When I tried to intervene, they each spoke very loudly over each other trying to get his or her own story heard. Finally, over the chaos, I yelled, "Shut up!" There was immediate silence (since this was quite a rare occurence). My oldest son (who is, by the way, half way through his blackbelt training program for karate) appeared quite offended at my instruction as he silently took a step toward me with an aggressive look in his eye.... We all just stood frozen for about 5 very long seconds until I said, "Uhhh, I learned that from Jack*." We all laughed, and I apologized.

As my son, Jack*, is learning to get control over his speech, I've been influenced by it. That's why Paul says in Galatians 6.1 "...if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted." Be in there to help, but be careful.

There are plenty of negative influences that will always be around us. We must watch ourselves and make sure we do what we can to surround ourselves with righteous influences. May it be our heart's desire to be a light for others...with no darkness in it. John said of God, "In him was life, and that life was the light of men" (John 1.4). And Paul commissions us with Jesus' own message: "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth' " (Acts 13.47).

And finally, Jesus commissions us: "See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness" (Luke 11.35).

*Note: name change to protect his dignity.

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